The six biggest challenges faced when teaching English online to adults. Number 1 isn’t what you think

Learning a new language is a remarkable journey, but it’s not without its share of challenges. For non-native English speakers, mastering the complexities of the English language can be both rewarding and frustrating. In this article, we will explore six of the most common problems non-native English language speakers face when learning English and provide strategies to overcome these hurdles.

  1. Pronunciation and Accent:

One of the most apparent challenges non-native English speakers encounter is mastering English pronunciation and reducing their accent. The English language is known for its numerous vowel sounds, consonant clusters, and regional accents that can make it difficult for learners to sound native.

How to overcome:

  • Engage in daily pronunciation practice with native speakers or via language learning apps.
  • Mimic native speakers by listening to English songs, podcasts, and movies.
  • Invest in accent reduction courses or work with a speech coach.
  1. Grammar and Syntax:

English grammar can be a maze of rules, exceptions, and nuances that vary between dialects. Non-native English speakers often struggle with verb tenses, sentence structure, and articles (a, an, the).

How to overcome:

  • Utilize grammar textbooks, online resources, and grammar-checking tools.
  • Take English language courses that focus on grammar and syntax.
  • Seek feedback from native speakers to correct and refine your written and spoken English.


  1. Vocabulary and Idioms:

Building a robust vocabulary is essential for effective communication in any language. Non-native English speakers may find it challenging to grasp the vast array of words and idiomatic expressions in English.

How to overcome:

  • Maintain a vocabulary journal and learn new words every day.
  • Read extensively in English, including books, newspapers, and magazines.
  • Watch English-language films and TV shows to pick up idioms and colloquial expressions.
  1. Fluency and Confidence:

Many non-native English speakers struggle with fluency and confidence when speaking English. Fear of making mistakes or being misunderstood can hinder progress.

How to overcome:

  • Practice speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners.
  • Join English-speaking clubs or attend conversation classes.
  • Embrace your mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning.
  1. Cultural Understanding:

Learning a language goes hand-in-hand with understanding the culture that surrounds it. Non-native English speakers may find it challenging to navigate English-speaking cultures, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunication.

How to overcome:

  • Immerse yourself in English-speaking cultures by participating in cultural events and activities.
  • Read about English-speaking countries’ customs, traditions, and social norms.
  • Engage in cross-cultural exchanges to gain insights and perspectives.
  1. Time Management and Consistency:

Learning a language is a long-term commitment that requires consistent effort. Non-native English speakers often struggle with managing their time effectively and staying motivated throughout the learning process.

How to overcome:

  • Set realistic language learning goals and create a study schedule.
  • Find ways to make learning enjoyable, such as through games or connecting with language communities.
  • Celebrate milestones and progress to stay motivated.


Learning English as a non-native speaker may present numerous challenges, but with determination, practice, and the right strategies, these obstacles can be overcome. Remember that language learning is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, stay patient, and keep striving for improvement. Ultimately, mastering English opens doors to countless opportunities for personal and professional growth, making the effort well worth it.


Recommended Reading:  Teaching English Online to Adult Learners: Successful strategies for teaching English online to adult students


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